Fees Billing Management is one of the critical operations for the educational Institutions. Generating Fee Bills, Posting, Fee Receiving, real time handling of defaulters, is a painful process, leading to data inaccuracy and reconciliation challenges, which increases manpower dependance, chances of losses, and time consuming as-well. Managing Financial books / accounting software separately also leads to double efforts and time.
IEMS has solved this challenge very easily with high accuracy in real time:
- Manages multiple Fee Structure Policies.
- Integrated with Academic Module.
- Allowing to generate Fee Bills for all classes in one go, also allowing to generate Fee Bills for Class wise, student wise etc.
- Provides flexibility of fee bill alteration, re-generation etc.
- Parents can down-load Fee Bill in their mobile App and can pay in Bank.
- Online Fee payment API is available for Integration with Banking system.
- It is integrated with Transport Modules, however it automatically adds transport charges as per route charges.
- Various other activities such as Karate, Roller skating or any other (if any) are also recovered from those students who avail it.
- Fee Billing Dashboard provides clear visibility to management.
- Defaulters are managed by system automatically.
- Several reports are generated, i.e. DFCR, MFCR, Class wise, Head wise etc.